More than 70,000 snakes slither out of dens to breed each spring at a Manitoba wildlife area, and thousands of people just can’t keep away from the writhing show. Just don’t call it an orgy.
Tag: Animals
London Zoo Defends Return of Late-Night Parties Among the Animals
Activists say the mix of alcohol and music at the event, which is intended to bring visitors closer to the wildlife and raise conservation funds, is inappropriate.
Afghanistan Dispatch: In Afghan Blood Sports, the Animals Aren’t the Only Ones Fighting
In Afghanistan, dogfights attract stadium-sized crowds and big purses. Fighting birds and even camels also feed the Afghan love of animal “sports,” although religious leaders decry them as sinful.
Protests in Australia Pit Vegans Against Farmers
Vegan protests across Australia have reignited debates about animal cruelty and sustainability, while raising questions about vigilante action.
This Songbird Is Nearly Extinct in the Wild. An International Treaty Could Help Save It — but Won’t.
Over a quarter of the species threatened by commercial trade are not protected by Cites, the global agreement intended to save them.
Debt Collector Seizes Family’s Prized Pug and Sells It on eBay
When a German family fell behind on bills, a debt collector seized their pet dog. Officials called it a “practical solution.” Others called it cruelty.
Taj Mahal Guards Take Up Slingshots Against Monkey Menace
Aggressive gangs of monkeys that threaten tourists in Agra, India, are facing a gentle crackdown.
Give the Wombats Some Space, Australia Tells Selfie-Loving Tourists
Visitors to a Tasmanian island snuggle, chase and even pick up the fuzzy creatures for photos. Officials are asking them to pledge to respect the wildlife.
A Rising Threat to Wildlife: Electrocution
Power lines and electrified fences are killing birds, monkeys, pangolins and even elephants in surprising numbers.
Matter: The Planet Has Seen Sudden Warming Before. It Wiped Out Almost Everything.
In some ways, the planet’s worst mass extinction — 250 million years ago, at the end of the Permian Period — may parallel climate change today.