A lauded South Africa police official, he dug into cold cases from the days of white rule. “The finest detective that this country has ever produced.”
Tag: Apartheid (Policy)
With a Simple Funeral, South Africa Bids Farewell to Desmond Tutu
The archbishop and Nobel laureate left plans for an unostentatious ceremony, which were stripped back further under Covid restrictions.
In Remembering Tutu, South Africa Reckons With Lasting Challenges
Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s death has reignited a public conversation about the state of the country’s reconciliation process and its democracy.
South Africa Begins a Week of Mourning for Desmond Tutu
The cleric and anti-apartheid activist’s funeral will be held on Jan. 1 at the cathedral where he served as South Africa’s first Black archbishop.
The Time Archbishop Tutu Was Searched at the Airport
A former South Africa bureau chief for The Times recalls telling moments with the anti-apartheid religious leader.
Even in Retirement, Desmond Tutu Remained South Africa’s Moral Compass
The Nobel laureate retired from public life over a decade ago, but he continued to advocate social justice, gay rights and environmentalism.
Here Are Some of the Many Tributes for Desmond Tutu, a Force for Harmony
From prominent South African lawmakers to religious figures, many on social media honored Archbishop Tutu as a patriot of peaceful principles who dedicated his life to combating injustice everywhere.
‘A True South African Giant’: Tributes for Desmond Tutu, a Force for Harmony
From prominent South African lawmakers to religious figures, many on social media honored Archbishop Tutu as a patriot of peaceful principles who dedicated his life to combating injustice everywhere.
Desmond Tutu, Whose Voice Helped Slay Apartheid, Dies at 90
The archbishop, a powerful force for nonviolence in South Africa’s anti-apartheid movement, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984.
Desmond Tutu, Whose Voice Helped Slay Apartheid, Dies at 90
The archbishop, a powerful force for nonviolence in South Africa’s anti-apartheid movement, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984.