Killings of Arabs by Arabs have soared in Israel. The prevailing assumption, an official said, was “as long as they are killing each other, that’s their problem.”
Tag: Arabs
Riots Shatter Veneer of Coexistence in Israel’s Mixed Towns
Israel’s Jewish and Palestinian communities looked past each other until violence and bloodshed forced a reckoning.
Coalition Deal to Oust Netanyahu Puts Israeli Arabs in the Spotlight
An Arab party’s decision to join a right-leaning Israeli government would be an important, if uncertain, step toward inclusion rather than perpetual opposition.
Planned Israel Coalition Brings Palestinians Relief but No Rejoicing
The leader of a small Arab party that is joining forces with the planned coalition “has done this to make his mark,” one analyst said, “but he will not get anything.”
Netanyahu Rivals Agree on Israeli Coalition to Oust Him
Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s longest-serving leader, is on the verge of losing power as his opponents strike a deal that would replace him with an ultranationalist, Naftali Bennett.
Israeli Police Round Up More Than 1,550 Suspects in Mob Violence
At least 70 percent of those arrested are Arab citizens of Israel. Three Israeli Jews are charged with the attempted murder of an Arab driver.
Israeli Police Round Up More Than 1,550 Suspects in Mob Violence
At least 70 percent of those arrested are Arab citizens of Israel. Three Israeli Jews are charged with the attempted murder of an Arab driver.
Before Rage Flared, a Push to Make Israel’s Mixed Towns More Jewish
An eruption of Arab-Jewish violence inside Israeli cities has focused attention on a movement of religious nationalists seeking to strengthen the Jewish presence in areas with large Arab populations.
Why Did the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Explode Now?
A little-noticed police action in Jerusalem last month was one of several incidents that led to the current crisis.
Conflict Spirals Across Israel and the Palestinian Territories
An American envoy landed in Israel for cease-fire talks with Palestinians and Israelis. But as of Saturday evening, there was no sign of a letup in fighting and a media center in Gaza was destroyed.