Moscow long rejected OPEC’s pleas to reduce output, citing its frosty climate as an excuse. Now, facing a glut, the country is closing wells, many in the Arctic.
Tag: Arctic Regions
The Deadly Losharik Submarine Fire and Russia’s Secret Undersea Agenda
Few want to talk about how 14 sailors met their deaths on a Russian engineering marvel. Fewer still want to talk about what they were doing off Norway’s waters.
What the Caribou Taught Me About Being Together, and Apart
Disappearing in the Arctic wilderness for half a year, a traveler discovered there is always a way forward.
Shipwreck Yields Artifacts of Missing Seafarers in Canada’s Arctic
The artifacts were recovered from the H.M.S. Erebus, which set off from England in 1845 with its sister ship, the H.M.S. Terror, before both vanished.
Arctic Dining: Think Frozen Sashimi, With a Side of Reindeer Blood
Fishermen and reindeer herders in northern Siberia have long snacked on raw, frozen fish and meat. Shaved thin and often dipped in sauce, the dish is one of Russia’s hidden delicacies.
Endless Night at -50 Degrees: A Look at Life on an Icebreaker
Two of the nearly 100 people on a ship stuck in an ice floe for a year explain what it’s like to live in polar darkness while studying how the Arctic’s climate is changing.
Macron Fires Ambassador Who Attacked His Pension Plan
Ségolène Royal, the defeated Socialist candidate in France’s 2007 election, was President Emmanuel Macron’s emissary to the North and South Poles and a public critic of his pensions overhaul.
Norwegian Spy Jailed by Russia Is Free. He’s Angry, Too, but Not at Moscow.
Frode Berg, a trusting pensioner, willingly worked for Norwegian intelligence. Then, he says, they hung him out to dry.
Climate Change Is Ravaging the Arctic, Report Finds
It was another very warm year in the region, leading to low winter sea ice and growing concerns over sea level rise.
Stuck in Arctic Ice, Dodging Polar Bears. All for Science.
An international research team is now adrift about 300 miles from the North Pole. It’s for a yearlong expedition to study the Arctic’s changing climate.