How can the world respond to Russian atrocities?
Tag: Arms Trade
Asian Nations’ Mixed Reactions to the Ukraine Invasion
While most American allies in the region have fallen in line, authoritarian governments and those with weaker ties to the West have been more reluctant to act.
U.S. Weapons in Ukraine Would Not Stop a Russian Invasion
The effectiveness of the weapons against the better-equipped Russian Army depends on what Moscow orders its troops to do.
The Battle for the World’s Most Powerful Cyberweapon
A Times investigation reveals how Israel reaped diplomatic gains around the world from NSO’s Pegasus spyware — a tool America itself purchased but is now trying to ban.
In Myanmar, a Notable Burmese Family Quietly Equipped a Brutal Military
A Burmese-Irish family said all the right things, even as it helped Myanmar’s rulers avoid sanctions scrutiny in buying airplanes, defense radar and more.
Foreign Drones Tip the Balance in Ethiopia’s Civil War
Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed pulled off a stunning reversal in the year-old conflict with the help of armed drones supplied by the United Arab Emirates, Turkey and Iran.
India and Russia Expand Defense Ties, Despite Prospect of U.S. Sanctions
India’s purchase of a missile defense system signaled that it was more worried about an emboldened China at its borders than about angering the United States.
U.S. Weapons, Now for Sale in Afghan Gun Shops
The Taliban seized troves of American weapons and vehicles from surrendering Afghan soldiers. Now, gun dealers are doing a brisk business.
U.S. Weapons, Now for Sale in Afghan Gun Shops
The Taliban seized troves of American weapons and vehicles from surrendering Afghan soldiers. Now, gun dealers are doing a brisk business.
France, Striving for Global Power, Still Struggles to Get It
Though often seen as vanity or pique, France’s assertiveness abroad is calibrated to manage a quandary it has faced since World War II: how to act as an independent power while depending on allies.