Over nearly a decade, Jonathan Petropoulos met dozens of times with a man who helped the Nazis loot Jewish art collections, a complicated relationship he explores in “Göring’s Man in Paris.”
Tag: Arts and Antiquities Looting
Will a Looted Pissarro End Up in Oklahoma, or France?
A painting by the French Impressionist artist, with a back story of plunder and family tragedy, is at the center of courtroom battles on both sides of the Atlantic.
Supreme Court Hears Holocaust Survivors’ Cases Against Hungary and Germany
The justices struggled to decide whether a 1976 law that bars most suits against other nations allows Jewish victims to sue over the theft of their property.
Dutch Panel for Looted Art Claims Must Change Course, Report Finds
A review commissioned by the Dutch culture minister found that the country’s art restitution panel showed too little empathy to victims of Nazi aggression and sided too often with museums.
Dispute Over Pissarro Painting Looted by Nazis Is Back in Court
A Holocaust survivor wants to revisit a settlement with an Oklahoma art museum over a painting once owned by her father.
Return Looted Art to Former Colonies, Dutch Committee Tells Government
The Netherlands should show “a willingness to return” items taken without consent, a report said. But past experience shows the path from recommending restitution to actual return can be a long one.
France’s Colonial Legacy Is Being Judged in Trial Over African Art
Activists are being tried in Paris over the attempted theft of an African artwork from the Quai Branly Museum, which they say was a protest of colonial-era practices.
To Protest Colonialism, He Takes Artifacts From Museums
Mwazulu Diyabanza will appear in a Paris court this month after he tried to make off with an African treasure he says was looted. France and its attitude to the colonial past will be on trial, too.
U.S. Supreme Court to Rule on Medieval Treasure Bought by Nazis
The Guelph Treasure was acquired by a German state collection in 1935 from a consortium of Jewish art dealers. Their descendants say the sale was forced, but a Berlin museum claims the deal was fair.
Authorities Seek Forfeiture of Ancient Gilgamesh Tablet From Hobby Lobby
The “Gilgamesh Dream Tablet” was displayed at the Museum of the Bible in Washington until the authorities seized it in 2019.