Threatened by the Taliban and considered AWOL by the Afghan military, a decorated helicopter pilot fled for the United States with his wife and daughter.
Tag: Asylum, Right of
Japan Is Shaken After a Detainee, Wasting Away, Dies Alone in Her Cell
Critics of the country’s immigration system say the death reveals an opaque and capricious bureaucracy with nearly unchecked power over foreigners caught inside it.
With Official Housing Scant, French People Open Their Homes to Migrants
A shelter system supported by private individuals highlights the French government’s difficulties managing a backlog of asylum cases.
Denmark Strips Some Syrians of Residency Status
The country is the first E.U. nation to make such a move. Many Syrians say that returning to their native country isn’t an option, and rights groups warn that the policy will tear some families apart.
With U.S. Asylum System Closed to Many, Some Find Sanctuary in Mexico
A record number of people petitioned for asylum in Mexico last month, drawn by family ties and high approval rates — and discouraged by the difficulty of getting into the U.S.
Surge in Migrants Defies Easy or Quick Solutions for Biden
The administration expects more apprehensions at the border this year than at any point in the past two decades. Enacting policy to deal with the problems faces deep-rooted political and logistical challenges.
President Biden Faces Challenge From Surge of Migrants at the Border
The president’s promise of a more humane policy is being tested as more unaccompanied children seek to enter the United States from Mexico.
Biden Faces Challenge From Surge of Migrants at the Border
The president’s promise of a more humane policy is being tested as more unaccompanied children seek to enter the United States from Mexico.
Refugee Who Set Herself on Fire in Greece Is Charged With Arson
A woman set fire to her tent on the island of Lesbos in a suicide attempt after her family’s relocation to Germany was delayed.
Her New Life Started With a Robbery on a First Date
Nine months after she fled Syria, Maisam met Marvin in Germany. Their relationship gave her a surrogate family while she was separated from her own.