It’s irresponsible to memorialize wars in a way that strips out the darker notes and creates a narrative that is “narrow, heroic and emotionally soothing.”
Tag: Australia
Billionaire Wins Defamation Case Against Australian Media Group
Fairfax Media, which owns the Sydney Morning Herald, was ordered to pay $200,000 to Chau Chak Wing, a well-connected political donor in Australia.
Julie Bishop Quits Australian Politics, Adding to Exodus of Conservative Women
Ms. Bishop, the former foreign minister, said she would not run in the next election. Last year she lost a party leadership vote that would have made her prime minister.
Tech We’re Using: How an App Creates ‘Disturbingly Agile Millennial Thumbs’
Isabella Kwai, a reporter in Australia, rarely takes notes on paper anymore and instead uses her iPhone. She can still look sources in the eye while typing.
A War Memorial Is Being Expanded. Some Say It Whitewashes History.
The Australian War Memorial, at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars, will grow to commemorate recent conflicts, including war zones in which Australia still has troops.
Australia’s Prime Minister Blames ‘Sophisticated State Actor’ for Parliament Hack
Australia has been unable to determine which country was behind a hack of Parliament and the country’s political parties weeks before a national election.
In Tour of Australia, Chinese Admire Clean Air but Bemoan Lack of Hot Drinking Water
We spent four days with a group of Chinese tourists visiting Australia. The visitors and locals approached each other with confusion, skepticism and sometimes racism.
Letter 94: What to Watch for With Australia’s Immigration Debate
With an election coming, we can expect to hear all kinds of intense rhetoric. The Australia Letter brings you context. Plus: Indie rock recommendations from Paul Krugman!
Australia to Allow Medical Evacuation for Nauru and Manus Island Detainees
Asylum seekers being held on the islands will now be eligible for medical care in Australia. Prime Minister Scott Morrison had strongly opposed the legislation.
Soccer Player Who Faced Extradition From Thailand to Bahrain Is Back in Australia
Hakeem al-Araibi, who has refugee status in Australia, said he faced torture if sent back to Bahrain, his native country. He returned to Melbourne on Tuesday after Thai authorities released him.