The Australian actor and director Joel Edgerton has carved his own path through Hollywood, with the help of a band of filmmaking brothers.
Tag: Australia
Craig McLachlan, Prominent Australian Actor, Faces Indecent Assault Charges
The charges could be a potential breakthrough for the media companies the actor and musician has sued for defamation, and for Australia’s nascent #MeToo movement.
Letter 89: 52 Places to Go: How Perth and Northern Rivers Made the List
This week’s Australia Letter wants to get away from it all, but will settle for explaining The New York Times’s annual travel guide.
Man in Australia Charged With Sending Suspicious Packages to Consulates
Police offered no motive for the alleged actions of the 48-year-old man, who appeared in court Thursday on charges that could carry a 10-year prison sentence.
Asian-Australian Actors, Overlooked at Home, Flourish in Hollywood
Chris Pang, Jordan Rodrigues and Natasha Liu Bordizzo are a few of the actors seizing opportunities in Hollywood after “Crazy Rich Asians” became a hit.
Suspicious Packages Are Delivered to Multiple Foreign Consulates in Australia
The consulates of several countries were evacuated in Melbourne and Canberra after receiving what the authorities described as potentially “hazardous material.”
Saudi Woman Who Fled Family Is Granted Refugee Status
The ruling by the United Nations clears the way for an asylum request by Rahaf Mohammed Alqunun, who had hoped to go to Australia.
Australian Jellyfish Swarm Stings Thousands, Forcing Beach Closings
Bluebottle jellyfish are normally found far from shore, but they have been descending on Australia’s east coast in what officials called a “relentless” assault.
Fleeing Saudi Woman, Facing Deportation, Is Allowed to Remain in Thailand
Rahaf Mohammed Alqunun, 18, said she feared that she would be killed if she were sent back to her family. She was allowed to leave a Bangkok airport with United Nations officials.
Letter 88: Reportage That Rises Into Art
A retrospective of Davd Goldblatt’s photographs from South Africa and Australia shows how art, like good journalism, connects one country to many others.