The Russian invasion has disrupted a thriving hub of legal commercial surrogacy. Some couples are risking trips into the war zone to get their children.
Tag: Babies and Infants
In a Kyiv Basement, 19 Surrogate Babies Are Trapped by War but Kept Alive by Nannies
Some surrogate mothers are trapped by the fighting as their due dates near. And newborns face uncertain fates, with many biological parents now unable to travel to Ukraine.
Poverty, Disease, Customs: Why So Many Indonesian Children Die of Covid
The disease kills far more children in developing countries than in rich ones, and some factors make them especially vulnerable in Indonesia.
Covid Is Killing Young Children in Brazil, Baffling Doctors
Experts believe Brazil’s overloaded hospital system and uneven access to health care are among the reasons babies and small children are succumbing to the virus at a high rate.
Johnson & Johnson Will Test its Vaccine in Infants
The company’s coming trials will also involve pregnant women and people whose immune systems are compromised.
Berry-Flavored H.I.V. Medication Is Ready for Babies
For the 80,000 children who die of H.I.V. each year, drugs are often bitter or hard to swallow. Dolutegravir will soon come in a tasty dissolving tablet.
Qatar ‘Regrets’ Strip-Searches Over Abandoned Baby
Women were pulled from multiple flights and strip-searched, the Australian government said, after a newborn baby was found in an airport restroom.
Women on Qatar Airways Flight Say They Were Strip-Searched
Female passengers said they were pulled from a Sydney-bound flight in Doha and given a medically invasive exam to see if they had recently given birth after an abandoned newborn was found in an airport bathroom.
Baby Was Infected With Coronavirus in Womb, Study Reports
Researchers said the case strongly suggests that Covid-19 can be transmitted in utero. Both the mother and baby have recovered.
Ukraine’s Backlog of Babies Born to Surrogates Begins to Ease
Eleven foreign couples, previously barred by coronavirus restrictions, have entered the country to meet their newborns. But births are still outpacing pickups.