An early success story, Singapore is having a surge in cases. The director of a Chinese lab rejected suggestions that the virus originated there.
Tag: Bolsonaro, Jair (1955- )
World News Updates: Brazil President Cheers Anti-Quarantine Protests
The protests in Brazil included calls for a return to military rule. Authorities in Russia have tried to hide an outbreak in a remote region.
As Bolsonaro Keeps Amazon Vows, Brazil’s Indigenous Fear ‘Ethnocide’
President Jair Bolsonaro is moving aggressively to open up the Amazon rainforest to commercial development, posing an existential threat to the tribes living there.
Global Tracker: Denmark, India, Germany, Spain Virus News
Nearly 150,000 people with the virus have died. A dispute over coronavirus measures in Sudan’s capital has prompted fears that the military would use a lockdown to seize power.
China Raises Wuhan’s Coronavirus Death Toll 50 Percent: Live Coverage
Germany’s national health institute says the country’s average rate of new coronavirus infections has dropped significantly. Israel begins mapping out a controlled lifting of restrictions.
Brazil and Coronavirus: Defiant Bolsonaro Dismisses Threat
President Jair Bolsonaro, who has called the virus a “measly cold,” is the sole major world leader continuing to question the merits of lockdown measures to fight the pandemic.
Gun Ownership Soars in Brazil Under Bolsonaro
A year into his presidency, Jair Bolsonaro and his sons have helped fuel a gun rights movement that had little popular support, or political clout, in the country before he took office.
Fears Rise for World Leaders as Officials Test Positive for Virus
The global pandemic has reached into the circles of political elites around the world, as their top aides, ministers and even a spouse test positive for the coronavirus.
Will an Ex-Missionary Shield Brazil’s Tribes From Outsiders?
Critics fear uncontacted tribes may suffer “irreparable damage” after President Jair Bolsonaro appointed an anthropologist who is also an evangelical preacher to lead the National Indian Foundation.
Brazil Under Bolsonaro Has Message for Teenagers: Save Sex for Marriage
Brazil’s minister for women and families, an evangelical pastor, formulated a new abstinence campaign in consultation with a religious group. Critics say the move blurs the church-state line.