He railed in relative obscurity against what he viewed as United States imperialism, until he received an unexpected endorsement from the founder of Al Qaeda.
Tag: Books and Literature
Nonfiction: A Foreign Policy Realist Challenges America’s Zeal for Intervention
Stephen M. Walt’s “The Hell of Good Intentions” takes a critical look at how Washington has handled international affairs over the last several years.
Writer of Erotic Novels in China Is Jailed for Producing Gay Pornography
The novelist, known as Tianyi, faces more than a decade in jail, prompting many to criticize the government for going too far in its efforts to block obscene material.
The Shortlist: What Is America’s Role in the World? Three Authors Offer Very Different Views
In new books, Jeffrey Sachs looks beyond exceptionalism, Michael Beckley describes unrivaled power and Robert Kagan favors pragmatic leadership.
Ma Jian, Exiled Chinese Novelist, Hails Appearance as Victory for Rights
The temporary cancellation of his appearance at a literary festival had been seen as the latest sign of erosions of freedom in Hong Kong.
Writer’s Invitation Is Pulled, and Some Ask if Hong Kong Is Still a Refuge
Ma Jian, whose new novel “China Dream” is a satire of totalitarianism, accused the venue of “turning a literary festival into a political matter.”