The incoming president, Jair Bolsonaro, has promised to end same-sex marriage, leading to a surge in the number of gay weddings before his inauguration.
Tag: Brazil
Amazon Sees in Brazil Continent-Size Profits and Problems
The retail behemoth is laying the groundwork to penetrate Brazil’s huge consumer market, analysts say. Success won’t come easy.
Brazil Arrests More Than 50 Police Officers Accused of Taking Cartel Bribes
State prosecutors accused 53 officers of taking bribes from the First Capital Command drug gang, known as the P.C.C., which investigators say has grown rapidly.
Brazil’s Violent Drug Trade Overruns Paraguay: ‘Scenes You Only See in Movies’
Some of Brazil’s most powerful gangs have established a foothold in neighboring Paraguay, importing havoc as they export guns and drugs. One man is at the center of much of the mayhem.
Gunman Opens Fire in Brazilian Cathedral, Killing at Least 4
The shooting took place at the Metropolitan Cathedral in Campinas, Brazil, killing four people and injuring four others, the authorities said.
Celebrity Healer in Brazil Is Accused of Sexually Abusing Followers
Dozens of women have come forward to accuse the Brazilian medium João Teixeira de Faria, known as John of God.
Illegal Mining, ‘Worse Than at Any Other Time,’ Threatens Amazon, Study Finds
Researchers identified 2,312 illegal mining sites in six nations, and highlighted their toxic effects. Activists fear that Brazil’s new president will encourage even more mining.
Missionary’s Killing Reignites Debate About Isolated Tribes: Contact, Support or Stay Away?
There are dozens of communities that continue to live completely off the grid, mostly in the Amazon, where drug traffickers, miners and ranchers threaten them.
Brazil’s New Leader Wants to Ease Gun Laws. Supporters Are Ready, and Training.
President-elect Jair Bolsonaro wants to make it easier for “good guys” to own firearms, though most Brazilians think civilian gun ownership should be banned.
Cuban Doctors Accuse International Agency of Profiting From Their Work
A division of the World Health Organization made about $75 million off the work of Cuban doctors who earned substandard wages in Brazil, a lawsuit alleges.