The now routine defeat for the prime minister’s exit plan also underscores that Parliament itself has no idea what to do.
Tag: Brussels (Belgium)
E.U. Approves Brexit Extension, but Chaotic Departure Still Looms
The short extension was conditioned on Parliament’s approving a withdrawal deal it has already rejected twice by decisive margins.
News analysis: Theresa May’s Message to Britain at a Perilous Moment: It’s Parliament’s Fault
In an address to the nation Wednesday night, the prime minister lashed out, blaming squabbling lawmakers for the Brexit paralysis. They did not react well.
E.U. Officials Agree to Brexit Delay, but With Conditions
As Britain’s political crisis deepens, the bloc agreed to an extension, but only if Parliament passes a withdrawal plan it has twice rejected.
Scapegoat or Hero? John Bercow, Commons Speaker, Upends Brexit
After Mr. Bercow ruled out a third Brexit vote, he instantly became one of the most hated — and admired — men in the country.
News analysis: Brussels, Sick of Brexit, Braces for a Deadline Debate
Britain will seek an extension on its E.U. withdrawal process. Any one of 27 national leaders could refuse. And they have reason to fear a long delay.
Britain’s Parliament Votes to Delay Brexit, but Not to Control It
After a very trying week, Prime Minister Theresa May enjoyed a rare legislative victory, if a small one, when lawmakers left her in the driver’s seat.
Soft Brexit? Hard Brexit? How About Endless Brexit?
Even if Parliament approves the government’s plan, Britain has yet to define its new relationship with Europe. In other words, after two torturous years, nothing is settled.
Jury in Belgium Convicts Man in Jewish Museum Attack
A French citizen was convicted of “terrorist murder” for fatally shooting four people after returning from Syria in 2014.
Deadline Looming, Britain Tries Again to Sway Brussels on ‘Irish Backstop’
British lawmakers were watching closely as the attorney general, Geoffrey Cox, was negotiating changes to the Brexit deal that might win the support, at last, of a parliamentary majority.