As the military seized power again, the generals moved quickly to take the country offline, criminalize online dissent and block social media.
Tag: Censorship
China Censors the Internet. So Why Doesn’t Russia?
The Kremlin has constructed an entire infrastructure of repression but has not displaced Western apps. Instead, it is turning to outright intimidation.
5 Reader Comments Just Cost a News Website $124,000
A panel of judges found the online outlet, Malaysiakini, guilty of contempt of court for the comments about Malaysia’s judiciary.
Clubhouse, a Tiny Audio Chat App, Breaks Through
The 11-month-old app has exploded in popularity, even as it grapples with harassment, misinformation and privacy issues.
Clubhouse, a Tiny Audio Chat App, Breaks Through
The 11-month-old app has exploded in popularity, even as it grapples with harassment, misinformation and privacy issues.
Twitter Removes Accounts in India Under Pressure from Modi
The platform’s problems in the country offer a stark example of the difficulty of adhering to its free-speech principles amid government worries over its influence.
China Blocks Clubhouse App After Brief Flowering of Debate
For a little while, the social media platform Clubhouse provided the rare opportunity for cross-border dialogue on contentious topics free from the country’s usual tight controls.
India’s Response to Farmer Protests Stirs Fears of Modi’s Power
Critics say Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s approach to dissent increasingly involves stifling dissenting voices, blocking the internet and cracking down on journalists.
Telegram Messaging App Struggles Over New Fans From Far Right
The app has helped fuel democracy movements in Iran and Belarus but now faces scrutiny as extremists and conspiracy theorists flock to it amid crackdowns by Facebook and Twitter on disinformation.
How Beijing Turned China’s Covid-19 Tragedy to Its Advantage
The Communist Party’s success in reclaiming the narrative has proved to the world its ability to rally the people to its side, no matter how stumbling its actions might be.