Rather than changing church law himself, Francis used the meeting to try to convince the world’s bishops to acknowledge the scope of the abuse problem and to hold themselves accountable for fixing it.
Tag: Child Abuse and Neglect
The Most Talked About Non-Topic at the Vatican? Homosexuality.
As Pope Francis gathered church leaders to discuss the abuse of children, the topic most buzzing at meeting margins was not even on the agenda.
The Saturday Profile: In Beirut, a ‘Teeming Vision of the Inferno’
In “Capernaum,” her Oscar-nominated film, Nadine Labaki has captured a world of hopelessness and desperation that most Lebanese refuse to see.
The Vatican Is Talking About Clerical Abuse, but Italy Isn’t. Here’s Why.
While other countries have taken a hard look at the abuse of children by priests, Italy’s approach has been something closer to a media blackout.
Pope Opens Meeting on Clerical Sex Abuse Under Great Pressure From Victims for Change
Addressing 190 bishops and Roman Catholic Church leaders from around the world, Francis said the faithful were owed “concrete and effective measures.”
Pope Francis Opens Summit on Sexual Abuse
Pope Francis opened a historic summit on child protection and the Catholic Church’s sexual abuse crisis, saying, “We hear the cry of the little ones asking for justice.”
Gay Priests, Secret Rules and the Abuse of Nuns: Some of the Vatican Controversies as Bishops Meet
As a historic Vatican conference on child sexual abuses gets underway, a swirl of recent scandals are threatening to overshadow the agenda.
Survivors of Sexual Abuse Want Church Reform. Here’s Why It Might Not Happen.
As church leaders convene at the Vatican, they say that a diversity of views and legal and cultural barriers around the world, as well as denial, make one global standard impossible.
Vatican Hopes Meeting on Child Sex Abuse Will Be a Turning Point
Church leaders spoke of demanding accountability and transparency, but there have been similar calls in the past and change has been slow.
Vatican’s Secret Rules for Catholic Priests Who Have Children
The Vatican confirmed, apparently for the first time, that it has general guidelines for what to do when clerics break celibacy vows and father children.