The mother of three children with Pavel Durov has poked holes in the Russian tech titan’s carefully managed image through a criminal complaint and her account of their opulent lifestyle.
Tag: Child Custody and Support
Russia’s Law Targeting Transgender People Sows Fear for L.G.B.T. Russians
A new law underscores how Vladimir V. Putin is increasingly using the war in Ukraine as justification for greater restrictions on L.G.B.T.Q. life, portraying it as a consequence of deviant Western values.
Belarus Extradites Russian Man Convicted After His Daughter Drew Antiwar Picture, State Media Reports
Aleksei Moskalyov, a single father, escaped house arrest in Russia after he was charged with “discrediting” the Russian Army over the war in Ukraine.
Russian Father Flees Before Conviction That May Leave His Daughter in Orphanage
Aleksei Moskalyov was convicted over antiwar comments on social media that came to light after his daughter made a drawing at school.
‘How Did This Man Think He Had the Right to Adopt This Baby?’
Army Rangers killed her parents. A Marine is raising her in America. But her Afghan family says she was taken under false pretenses.
As War Rages, a Ukrainian Family in Michigan Holds On to Home
Amber Galkin and her children find themselves navigating complicated connections with their homeland as they embrace a new national identity.
British Court Orders Dubai Ruler to Pay £554 Million in Custody Settlement
The settlement, of about $734 million, resolves a lengthy dispute that began when Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein and her two children fled to London in 2019.
Eitan Biran Custody Ruling Issued by Israeli Court
Eitan Biran, the 6-year-old survivor of a cable car accident in Italy, should live there with his aunt, not his grandfather in Israel, ruled a judge in Tel Aviv.
In China, Abducting Children in a Bid to Gain Custody
For years, thousands of children in China have been taken and hidden. The practice rose along with the nation’s divorce rate. A new law aims to curb the practice.
International Battle Over 6-Year-Old Cable-Car Survivor Goes to Court
The fate of Eitan Biran, whose parents were killed at an Italian mountain resort in May, has become an international cause pitting relatives in Israel against those in Italy.