The mother of three children with Pavel Durov has poked holes in the Russian tech titan’s carefully managed image through a criminal complaint and her account of their opulent lifestyle.
Tag: Children and Childhood
Did PFAS From Sewage Sludge Poison a Family Farm?
Pastures were fertilized with toxic sewage decades ago. Nobody knew, until the cows’ milk was tested.
U.N. Says Israeli War in Gaza Has ‘Catastrophic Consequences’ for Children
Israel has long blamed Hamas for civilian and children deaths, arguing that the militant group uses innocent people as human shields.
An Era of Chinese Adoption Ends, and Families Are Torn Over Its Legacy
More than 80,000 children from China were adopted by American families. While many appreciate how the adoptions reshaped their own lives, they are also glad to see the program conclude.
Australia Plans to Set Age Limits for Social Media
The government is considering setting a minimum age for platforms like TikTok and Instagram that could be as high as 16.
The Pivotal Decision That Led to a Resurgence of Polio
In 2016, the global health authorities removed a type of poliovirus from the oral vaccine. The virus caused a growing number of outbreaks and has now arrived in Gaza.
China Stops Foreign Adoptions, Ending a Complicated Chapter
Beijing said the move was in line with international trends, as more countries have limited such adoptions. Many would-be adoptive families were left in limbo.
How Much Screen Time Should Toddlers Have? None, Sweden Says.
Children under the age of 2 should not be exposed to any screens, Swedish public health authorities said, part of a growing effort to limit phone use by youngsters.
In a Kyiv Classroom, Cries for Help From Children Scarred by War
“They are like a bleeding wound, and no one sees it,” a schoolteacher said of her pupils, many of whom have fled frontline areas or lost family members in the fighting.
Polio Vaccination Campaign in Gaza Faces Major Hurdles
Starting Sunday, the Israeli military and Hamas will observe brief, staggered pauses in fighting to allow for 640,000 children to be vaccinated, officials said.