A search squad from Chile and its dog Flash discovered what appeared to be a heartbeat underneath debris from the Aug. 4 port blast.
Tag: Chile
She Was Selling Honey to Survive. Then Mel Gibson Threatened to Sue.
A single mother in Chile began selling organic honey from home during quarantine, using the actor’s name as a play on words. His lawyer was not amused.
First Frog Fossil Found on Antarctica
The specimen is some 40 million years old, and is probably related to species currently living in South America.
‘This Government Is Lucky’: Coronavirus Quiets Global Protest Movements
Millions of demonstrators have been forced or have chosen to stay at home, and organizers wonder when, if and how they will be able to resume.
‘Eating Up Easter’ Review: The Wasteful Side of Tourism
A filmmaker shows the daily environmental struggles of his native home.
Coronavirus Death Toll Soars in Turkey; W.H.O. Warns of Vaccine Roadblock
Singapore, an early success story, is having a surge in cases, while European countries start to ease restrictions. Oil prices nosedived as a worldwide surplus grew.
World News Updates: Singapore’s Control Slips, as Europe Begins to Ease Coronavirus Limits
An early success story, Singapore is having a surge in cases. The director of a Chinese lab rejected suggestions that the virus originated there.
World News Updates: Brazil President Cheers Anti-Quarantine Protests
The protests in Brazil included calls for a return to military rule. Authorities in Russia have tried to hide an outbreak in a remote region.
Truck Crashes Into an Easter Island Statue
The truck rolled down a slope and hit an ahu, a ceremonial platform where one of the island’s famous statues was already on its side.
José Zalaquett, Leader in Chile’s Search for Truth, Dies at 77
He incurred the wrath of the dictator Augusto Pinochet, was exiled, and became an expert in how to heal traumatized countries.