The daughter of Gui Minhai, a Swedish bookseller detained in China, said the ambassador arranged a meeting with men who first offered to help, then cajoled and pressured her.
Tag: China
Little Red App: Xi’s Thoughts Are (Surprise!) a Hit in China
Want to take President Xi Jinping’s wisdom with you wherever you go? A lot of Chinese people do. Or they’ve been told to.
New Zealand Fears Fraying Ties With China, Its Biggest Customer
The cancellation of a tourism initiative and the abrupt return of a Shanghai-bound Air New Zealand flight has many suspecting Chinese retaliation for a ban on the company Huawei.
Film Set in China’s Cultural Revolution Is Pulled From Berlin Festival
The withdrawal of the film by the noted Chinese director Zhang Yimou comes amid a broader crackdown on the discussion of sensitive subjects in China.
U.S.-China Trade Talks Face Big Obstacle: Ensuring That Promises Are Kept
American negotiators, worried that Beijing will drag its feet on sticking to the provisions of a deal, want a way to punish failures to comply. Their Chinese counterparts may not go along.
In China, This Video Game Lets You Be a Tiger Mom or a Driven Dad
Mete out love and discipline. Set ambitious goals. Endure a teenager’s first dates. Fans say the game Chinese Parents is a surprisingly poignant exercise in role reversal.
Turkey Urges China to End Mass Detention of Muslims
The rare rebuke of the Chinese crackdown by a majority-Muslim country came after reports that a prominent Uighur folk poet had died in detention.
China Investigates Reports of H.I.V.-Tainted Blood Plasma Treatment
Authorities in China have ordered an emergency recall of more than 12,000 units of a blood plasma product, potentially the latest scandal to undermine public trust in the nation’s health care system.
Workers’ Activism Rises as China’s Economy Slows. Xi Aims to Rein Them In.
Small-scale protests underscore the challenges that the slowdown poses to China’s top leader, who has aggressively promoted the “Chinese dream” of greater wealth and a fairer society.
Australia Cancels Residency for Wealthy Chinese Donor Linked to Communist Party
Huang Xiangmo, a developer who has lived in Australia for years, has given millions of dollars across the political spectrum, raising concerns about Chinese influence.