On platforms such as Telegram and 4chan, racist memes and posts about Asian-Americans have created fear and dehumanization.
Tag: Chinese-Americans
Forget TikTok. China’s Powerhouse App Is WeChat.
A vital connection for the Chinese diaspora, the app has also become a global conduit of Chinese state propaganda, surveillance and intimidation. The United States has proposed banning it.
Hong Kong Officials Condemn and Mock Trump Administration Sanctions
Officials in Hong Kong targeted by new United States sanctions argued on Saturday that the move harmed American interests and would have little impact on them.
Yu Lihua, 90, Dies; Writer Spoke to ‘Rootless’ Chinese Émigrés
In her fiction she depicted “the struggle of Chinese immigrants in American society” — not the “Oriental exoticism” preferred by many publishers in the ’60s.
Lululemon Fires Employee Over ‘Bat Fried Rice’ Shirt
An art director for the yoga retailer shared a link on his personal Instagram account, prompting waves of condemnation.
Vast Dragnet Targets Theft of Biomedical Secrets for China
Nearly 200 investigations are underway at major academic centers. Critics fear that researchers of Chinese descent are being unfairly targeted.
A ‘Bridge’ to China, and Her Family’s Business, in the Trump Cabinet
Elaine Chao has boosted the profile of her family’s shipping company, which benefits from industrial policies in China that are roiling the Trump administration.
Duke University Apologizes Over Professor’s Email Asking Chinese Students to Speak English
The university is conducting an internal review after a professor sent an email cautioning international students from speaking Chinese on campus.