The backlash was swift after John Howard made the remarks ahead of a referendum on Aboriginal representation in the government.
Tag: Colonization
Theme Park’s Selective History Appeals to a New Spanish Nationalism
Puy du Fou España has drawn visitors with spectacular shows about Spanish history. But part of its success lies in what goes unsaid.
Contemporary African Royals, in Regalia and Complexity
A new photography exhibition at London’s Tate Modern includes images of monarchs from across the continent, steering away from Western imagery.
The America That Americans Forget
As tensions with China mount, the U.S. military continues to build up Guam and other Pacific territories — placing the burdens of imperial power on the nation’s most ignored and underrepresented citizens.
Dutch King Apologizes for His Country’s Role in the Slave Trade
The Netherlands formally abolished slavery in its colonies in 1863, but has only recently begun to actively acknowledge its participation in the practice.
A Rodeo Festival in the Philippines Celebrates Cowboy Culture
In the Philippines, men and women compete in an annual rodeo that celebrates a thriving cowboy culture with roots in the Spanish and American colonial eras.
Australia Reckons With Stan Grant’s Exit from ABC Over Racist Abuse
Stan Grant, an Indigenous journalist, was attacked on social media after talking during coronation coverage about the brutality of colonialism.
Leaders of Japan and South Korea Vow to Deepen Ties
As Japan’s prime minister failed to deliver a direct apology for the era of colonial rule, South Korea’s president urged his nation to focus on present problems, not history.
Jamaica Could Become a Republic in 2024. What Will That Look Like?
The Commonwealth country has scheduled a referendum in 2024 on whether to cut ties to the British monarchy, opening up a debate on how to reshape the society.
Why So Many Nations in the King’s Realm Want to Say Goodbye
Whether through a hard break or a soft fade in ties, nations that have kept the British monarch as their head of state are moving toward separation.