The disappearance of Meng Hongwei highlighted China’s opaque legal system. His wife’s public appeals for help were a potential embarrassment to Beijing.
Tag: Communist Party of China
A Chinese Law Professor Criticized Xi. Now He’s Been Suspended.
Xu Zhangrun boldly criticized China’s repressive policies. Now his university has suspended him and started an inquiry. But he is not retreating.
For Prominent Chinese Church Leader, Detention Is a Test of Faith
Wang Yi has been held incommunicado since December, part of a government crackdown on independent religious groups.
China Pledges Openness in Hopes of Reaching a Trade Deal
Top Chinese officials, looking at a skeptical audience both at home and abroad, pledge to open the country’s markets to foreign investment.
Why China Silenced a Clickbait Queen in Its Battle for Information Control
Ma Ling was one of China’s most popular bloggers. Then she became a target in President Xi Jinping’s campaign to purge popular voices that the Communist Party finds threatening.
Times Insider: How Our Former Beijing Bureau Chief Found Himself on a Bullet Train in Saudi Arabia
There was a certain dissonance in the fact that the ruling Communist Party of China, officially atheist and repressive toward the country’s Muslims, had helped build a railway connecting the holiest sites in Islam.
Muslim Detention Camps Are Like ‘Boarding Schools,’ Chinese Official Says
Officials also said that the indoctrination camps for Uighurs and other Muslims across Xinjiang had not held one million inmates, as reported, and that their numbers would shrink.
China Accuses Two Canadians of Spying, Widening a Political Rift
The accusations against Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor came days before a court in British Columbia holds an extradition hearing for a Huawei executive wanted in the United States.
2019 Is a Sensitive Year for China. Xi Is Nervous.
President Trump wants big changes from China. But China’s leader is seeking security in a year that includes the 30th anniversary of the Tiananmen bloodshed.
In Beijing, a Communist Funeral for an Inconvenient Critic
The funeral for Li Rui, a former Mao aide who rejected the Communist Party’s authoritarianism, drew both the elite and ordinary people who celebrated him as a renegade.