The Microsoft-owned service had censored posts in China, in compliance with the country’s laws, to operate there.
Tag: Computers and the Internet
Sheikh Set Israeli Spyware on Ex-Wife in Custody Battle, Court Says
The ruler of Dubai was found to have hacked the phones of his former wife, a Jordanian princess, and of her lawyers. One of those targeted is a member of the House of Lords in Britain.
It’s Time to Stop Paying for a VPN
Many virtual private network services that were meant to protect your web browsing can no longer be trusted. Here are other ways.
Facebook Outage Shows World Reliance on WhatsApp, Instagram
The outage disrupted the digital lives of small-business owners, politicians, aid workers and others. But for some, it was a welcome reprieve.
Facebook’s Apps Went Down. The World Saw How Much It Runs on Them.
The outage disrupted the digital lives of small-business owners, politicians, aid workers and others. But for some, it was a welcome reprieve.
Facebook Comments Can Get Media Firms Sued in Australia
Australia’s top court has said media companies can be held liable for replies to their posts, prompting some to step back from the platform.
Germany Struggles to Stop Online Abuse Ahead of Election
Despite having one of the world’s toughest laws against online hate speech and harassment, Germany has struggled to contain toxic content ahead of its Sept. 26 election.
Hong Kong Forces Tiananmen Square Group to Delete Facebook Page
The deletions were the most high-profile instance of internet censorship under the national security law.
Apple and Google Remove ‘Navalny’ Voting App in Russia
The app, created by allies of the opposition leader Aleksei Navalny, vanished from online stores, reflecting a new level of pressure against U.S. technology companies in the country.
As Germany Election Nears, Merkel Leaves a Strong But Vulnerable Economy
Chancellor Angela Merkel steered Europe through crises, and Germany has boomed during her tenure. But she has ducked changes needed to ensure the success lasts, analysts say.