Hemorrhagic fever inspires almost mythic terror, but whether it can be beaten depends more on people than on medical advances.
Tag: Congo, Democratic Republic of (Congo-Kinshasa)
Ebola Outbreak Reaches Major City in Congo, Renewing Calls for Emergency Order
The year-old outbreak has now reached Goma, a heavily populated city near the border with Rwanda. The W.H.O. will ask experts again to decide whether to issue a declaration that could increase funding to fight the disease spread.
Congo Warlord Called ‘the Terminator’ Is Convicted of War Crimes by I.C.C.
The former military commander was convicted over his role in murder, rape and sexual slavery in an ethnic conflict in a mineral-rich region.
Hundreds of Thousands Flee Congo Violence, in Region Afflicted by Ebola
Ethnic conflict in the northeastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo has created a humanitarian crisis and complicated the fight against an outbreak.
Uganda Discloses Greater Ebola Threat Than Previously Known
As the death toll rose to two, health officials reported three unrelated suspect cases and said as many as 27 people may have been exposed to the virus.
Boy, 5, and Grandmother Die in Uganda as More Ebola Cases Emerge
Fears grew that the year-old outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo could spread more in what one expert called a “truly frightening phase.”
First Ebola Cases Reported in Uganda, in Spillover From Congo Outbreak
A 5-year-old Congolese boy died on Wednesday, a day after officials confirmed his case as the first outside the Democratic Republic of Congo since an outbreak began last summer.
30 Dead and 200 Missing in Congo After Boat Sinks
The boat sank in Lake Mai-Ndombe, hundreds of miles northeast of the capital, Kinshasa. Many of its passengers were said to be teachers.
Fighting Ebola When Mourners Fight the Responders
An Ebola outbreak in eastern Congo — the second-largest in history — is escalating in part because locals don’t trust health workers and government officials.
Fighting Ebola When Mourners Fight the Responders
An Ebola outbreak in eastern Congo — the second-largest in history — is escalating in part because locals don’t trust health workers and government officials.