A motorcade through the capital revived “panda diplomacy” between Washington and Beijing for the first time in nearly a year.
Tag: Conservation of Resources
Latest WWF Wildlife Survey Points to ‘Alarming’ Declines
The results from an important ongoing assessment look grim. But the survey is often misunderstood.
A Climate Fund Could Pay Billions to Protect Trees in Amazon and Beyond
Brazil is proposing a fund that would pay countries to protect tropical forests that are crucial to curbing climate change. It would generate returns, too.
How Colorado’s Thompson Divide Got Protection From Oil and Gas Drilling
The members of a self-described ragtag group had little in common, but their campaign could serve as model for future environmental efforts.
How to Wash Laundry in an Eco-Friendly, Sustainable Way
The suds that go down the drain can be harmful to wildlife. We’ve got tips on how to clean clothes and support nature.
Meet the Team Climbing Trees in the Amazon to Better Understand Carbon Stores
A small team in a remote corner of Colombia is surveying every tree in an effort to better understand how much planet-warming carbon the Amazon actually stores.
Solar Farms Look to Produce Something Apart From Power: Pollinator Friendly Habitat
The sites fight climate change and can help with another global crisis: the collapse of nature. But so far, efforts to nurture wildlife habitat have been spotty.
Scientists Made a List of Lost Birds and Now They Want Us to Find Them
Some 144 bird species had not been seen in at least a decade, but a project by conservation organizations proposes they all may still be hidden somewhere in the wild.
Are Researchers Overcounting the Number of Fish in the World’s Oceans?
A new study suggests that estimates of the health of the world’s fisheries may be too optimistic.
The Mennonites Making the Amazon Their Home
Groups of Mennonites, seeking inexpensive land far from modern life, are carving out new colonies in the Amazon. They are also raising fears that they are adding to the deforestation of the vital jungle.