By some measures, it is winning the race, with four companies already testing their vaccine candidates on humans.
Tag: Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
In Sydney, the Magic Hour Means Noise. It’s Heavenly to Hear.
Five weeks into Australia’s coronavirus lockdown, the sound that bursts forth each afternoon of kids shouting, dogs barking and couples arguing is welcome relief from the quiet of isolation.
Coronavirus World News: UK, India, Italy
A dozen countries, including Italy, India and Lebanon, began to relax restrictions on public life on Monday. China’s vaccine industry sees opportunity in the crisis.
Pompeo Ties Coronavirus to China Lab, Despite Spy Agencies’ Uncertainty
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo backed President Trump’s assertion that the coronavirus originated in a lab in Wuhan, though intelligence agencies say they have reached no conclusion on the issue.
More Readers, Fewer Ads: Britain’s Local Newspapers Are Struggling
Heavily dependent on advertising and circulation, local and regional newspapers in the U.K. could face financial ruin as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.
Italians Find Promise of Antibodies Remains Elusive, for Now
Talk of licensing people with the right antibodies, always ahead of the science, has faded as experts warn that they are still studying what level offers protection and how long it lasts.
Beirut’s Nightlife Survived Civil War. Can It Withstand Pandemic?
In Lebanon’s capital, it’s a point of pride that the party never stopped, even during war and protests. But will the dancing and drinking come back after the coronavirus lockdown?
Global Backlash Builds Against China Over Coronavirus
As calls for inquiries and reparations spread, Beijing has responded aggressively, mixing threats with aid and adding to a growing mistrust of China.
Coronavirus World Updates
Government plans for reopening have prompted protests and sown confusion. A global backlash is building against China.
From Seoul to Sydney, Cities in Asia and Australia Learn to Live with Coronavirus
In parts of Asia and Australia, people are going out — but social distancing and other restrictions have become the new normal.