A letter to four major newspapers criticized coverage as “distorted, false, or invasive beyond reason.” It was the latest twist in the couple’s poisonous relationship with some news outlets.
Tag: Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
Netanyahu’s Power Is Extended as Rival Accepts Israel Unity Government
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, an embattled political survivor, persuaded Benny Gantz to join forces with him to combat the coronavirus.
U.S. Oil Prices Plunge Into Negative Territory: Live Markets Updates
The latest on stock market and business news during the coronavirus outbreak.
‘It’s Really a Gift’: Israeli Hospitals Let Relatives Say Goodbye Up Close
A hospital spokesman asked why family members were barred from coronavirus wards when journalists could visit in protective gear. His bosses had no good answer.
Singapore Seemed to Have Coronavirus Under Control, Until Cases Doubled
The spread suggests that it is unrealistic for the United States, Europe and the rest of the world to return to the way they were anytime soon, even if viral curves appear to flatten.
World News Updates: Singapore’s Control Slips, as Europe Begins to Ease Coronavirus Limits
An early success story, Singapore is having a surge in cases. The director of a Chinese lab rejected suggestions that the virus originated there.
Stock Markets Fall on Renewed Pessimism: Live Updates
The latest on stock market and business news during the coronavirus outbreak.
In Pandemic, a Remote Russian Region Orders a Lockdown on Information
Trailing only Moscow in per capita infection, Komi faces a serious health crisis and wants to know who leaked the bad news.
Migrant Nurses Fight the Coronavirus Half a World From Home
Nurses from the Philippines and other developing countries have long made up for shortages in Western nations. Now they are risking their lives.
World News Updates: Brazil President Cheers Anti-Quarantine Protests
The protests in Brazil included calls for a return to military rule. Authorities in Russia have tried to hide an outbreak in a remote region.