The famously no-nonsense chancellor, keeping to form, braced Germany for an epidemic that may reach extraordinary scale.
Tag: Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
Tell Us: How Has the Coronavirus Affected Your College?
We would like to hear from students around the world who attend colleges that have disrupted classes because of the coronavirus outbreak.
A Fumbled Global Response to the Virus in a Leadership Void
While world leaders are at last speaking out about the gravity of the pandemic, their voices are less a choir than a cacophony, with the United States absent from its traditional conductor role.
What We Learned in Coronavirus News Today
The W.H.O. declared the outbreak a global pandemic, and said it was vital to keep fighting its spread.
For Italians, Dodging Coronavirus Has Become a Game of Chance
Daily life in Italy is now a roll of the dice. Just ask residents of Pavia, once home to a founder of modern probability theory.
Coronavirus Has Become a Pandemic, W.H.O. Says
But the virus can still be stopped if nations are willing to take aggressive measures, said the organization’s director-general.
Fashion’s Coronavirus ‘Patient Zero’ Speaks
Nga Nguyen and what happens when Instagram, money, fashion shows and Covid-19 collide.
Coronavirus Pandemic, Angela Merkel, Markets: Your Thursday Briefing
Here’s what you need to know.
U.K. Shields Its Economy From the Virus, but Not Yet Its People
The government is spending $38 billion to mitigate the effects of the coronavirus outbreak, but so far has ruled out aggressive measures to fight it.
What Does Coronavirus Do to the Body?
Here’s what scientists have learned about how the new virus infects and attacks cells and how it can affect organs beyond the lungs.