Even as Telegram faces legal scrutiny and grapples with billions in debt, it is set to be profitable for the first time as it tries cryptocurrencies, subscriptions and ads.
Tag: Corporate Social Responsibility
Under Pressure, Telegram Turns a Profit for the First Time
Even as Telegram faces legal scrutiny and grapples with billions in debt, it is set to be profitable for the first time as it tries cryptocurrencies, subscriptions and ads.
Why the NBA Is Making Abu Dhabi Its Middle East Hub
The league has held preseason games in the United Arab Emirates for three years. It says the impact has been positive, but others say it’s helping a repressive regime.
Tyson Is Sued Over Labeling of ‘Climate-Smart’ Beef
An environmental group said the company, a major food producer, was misleading shoppers with its claims about eco-friendly practices.
How Telegram Became a Playground for Criminals, Extremists and Terrorists
Drug dealers, scammers and white nationalists openly conduct business and spread toxic speech on the platform, according to a Times analysis of more than 3.2 million Telegram messages.
What Is a ‘Decent Wage’? France’s Michelin Raises a Debate.
The tire maker vowed to ensure that none of its workers would struggle to make ends meet.
‘Climate-Controlled’ Sausage? Courts Crack Down on ‘Greenwashing’
From airlines to pork sellers, corporate brands face legal and regulatory challenges for misleading the public with lofty climate claims.
Forced to Change: Tech Giants Bow to Global Onslaught of Rules
For years, Apple, Google, Meta and others operated unfettered. But new laws and regulations have finally compelled them to make major shifts to their products and businesses.
Bank of America Pledged to Stop Financing Coal. Now It’s Backtracking.
The changes come as Republican lawmakers step up efforts to punish businesses that consider climate change and the environment in their operations.
Antisemitic and Anti-Muslim Hate Speech Surges Across the Internet
Fueled by the conflict between Israel and Gaza and stoked by extremists, hate speech has spiked on social media platforms such as X, Facebook and Instagram, researchers said.