Several big details remain to be worked out before an international October deadline.
Tag: Corporate Taxes
Global Finance Leaders Start Talks for Tax Overhaul
The overhaul under discussion includes a minimum tax that companies would pay regardless of where their headquarters were.
The World’s First Ambassador to the Tech Industry
Denmark appointed him to approach Silicon Valley as if it were a global superpower. His challenges show how smaller countries struggle to influence giant corporations.
Trump’s Push to Bring Back Jobs to U.S. Shows Limited Results
Tax cuts and tariffs have not caused a significant return of factory activity, data from the government and other sources show.
Trump’s Push to Bring Back Jobs to U.S. Shows Limited Results
Tax cuts and tariffs have not caused a significant return of factory activity, data from the government and other sources show.
India’s ‘Coffee King’ Found Dead Amid Financial Troubles
V.G. Siddhartha beat Starbucks to dominate India’s retail coffee industry, but he also faced growing debt and pressure from the tax authorities.
As Rich Lavish Cash on Notre-Dame, Many Ask: What About the Needy?
The spectacle of billionaires trying to one-up each other quickly intensified resentments over inequality that have animated the Yellow Vest movement.