The new country President Andrés Manuel López Obrador says he is building looks an awful lot like the old one he swore to leave behind in the campaign.
Tag: Corruption (Institutional)
A.N.C. Leads in South Africa Election, as Voters Give Party ‘One Last Chance’
The African National Congress was expected to win votes it needed to stay in power, but to fall short of the 60 percent threshold it has met since coming to power in 1994.
‘Trust in Cyril Ramaphosa’? South Africa Election Tests A.N.C. Leader’s Strength
Many question whether the president can outflank party rivals and root out the corruption that has come to define the party of Nelson Mandela, the African National Congress.
South Africa’s Middle Class Sours on Mandela’s Party, Tainted by Corruption
President Cyril Ramaphosa is pushing to win back the support of black middle-class voters in Wednesday’s election, but many are outraged over the endemic corruption in the African National Congress.
Mexico Declares Victory Over Fuel Thieves. But Is It Lasting?
Andrés Manuel López Obrador has claimed victory in his battle against fuel theft, but many doubt that the quick gains are sustainable.
In Paraguay, Fighting Graft With Eggs and Toilet Paper
Paraguayans fed up with corruption discovered that public shame was more effective than state institutions at holding crooked politicians accountable.
Alan García, Ex-President of Peru, Is Dead After Shooting Himself During Arrest
Mr. García was under investigation on accusations of bribery in connection with the construction company Odebrecht, which is at the center of Latin America’s biggest graft scandal.
Bolsonaro, a Combative ‘Soldier,’ Gets Off to a Rocky Start in Brazil
Infighting and self-generated crises have made the first months of Jair Bolsonaro’s presidency turbulent, although he has fulfilled some campaign vows.
Was Money to Help Women in Brazil’s Politics Funneled to Men?
Brazil’s new president promised to clean up politics. Now top leaders in his party are being investigated in connection with a corrupt scheme that undermined female candidates.
China Yields on Malaysia Rail Project as Global Infrastructure Program Is Re-Examined
The government said work on the East Coast Rail Link would resume after its price tag, originally projected at up to $20 billion, was cut nearly in half.