Tensions over economic ties are running high, threatening to disrupt a fragile cooperation between the U.S. and China.
Tag: Customs (Tariff)
Chinese Export Surge Clouds U.S. Hopes of a Domestic Solar Boom
The decision by a Massachusetts solar company to abandon plans to build a $1.4 billion U.S. factory highlights the risks amid a flood of Chinese clean energy exports.
Chinese Exports Are Threatening Biden’s Industrial Agenda
The president is increasingly hitting back with tariffs and other measures meant to restrict imports, raising tensions with Beijing.
Brian Mulroney Divided and Reshaped Canada Through Free Trade With the U.S.
The former prime minister, who died this week, brought dramatic changes, good and bad, to the country’s economy with the pact.
Brian Mulroney Divided and Reshaped Canada Through Free Trade With the U.S.
The former prime minister, who died this week, brought dramatic changes, good and bad, to the country’s economy with the pact.
For First Time in Two Decades, U.S. Buys More From Mexico Than China
The United States bought more goods from Mexico than China in 2023 for the first time in 20 years, evidence of how much global trade patterns have shifted.
Arnold Schwarzenegger Detained Over Pricey Watch at Munich Airport
He’ll be back … to face criminal tax charges.
New U.S. Solar and Electric Car Factories Face Familiar Challenge: China
Worries are growing in Washington that a flood of Chinese products could put new American investments in clean energy and high-tech factories at risk.
Lawmakers Call for Raising Tariffs and Severing Economic Ties With China
A bipartisan report recommended stripping China of the low tariffs the United States granted it two decades ago, among other actions.
Anthony Albanese to Visit Xi Jinping as China-Australia Tensions Ease
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said he would visit China and meet with Xi Jinping, another sign of a thaw in the countries’ once-icy relations.