Brazil’s Supreme Court blocked Telegram on Friday. The messaging app then responded with measures to fight misinformation, and the court quickly lifted its ban.
Tag: Da Silva, Luiz Inacio Lula
Leftists Are Ascendant in Latin America as Key Elections Loom
Growing inequality and sputtering economies have helped fuel a wave of leftist victories that may soon extend to Brazil and Colombia.
Brazil’s President Lula Is Staging a Comeback. Can He Bring the Country Along?
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the former president, has beat back a flurry of corruption cases and climbed to the front of next year’s presidential race.
Brazil’s President Lula Is Staging a Comeback. Can He Bring the Country Along?
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the former president, has beat back a flurry of corruption cases and climbed to the front of next year’s presidential race.
Bolsonaro Joins a Centrist Party in Brazil Ahead of 2022 Re-election Bid
President Jair Bolsonaro, who has not belonged to any political party for two years, is joining the centrist Liberals, they said on Wednesday.
Brazil Vaccine Scandal Imperils Bolsonaro as Protests Spread
Brazilians were angry over how slowly their government moved to acquire coronavirus vaccines. Now they’re incensed over a corruption scandal involving vaccine deals.
As Coronavirus Toll Grows, Brazil’s Political Divisions Spill Onto the Streets
Opponents of President Jair Bolsonaro have mounted the largest protests since the beginning of the pandemic, suggesting new volatility before next year’s elections.
Brazil’s Ex-President ‘Lula’ May Run for Office Again as Court Cases Are Tossed
A decision by a Supreme Court justice sets the stage for former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva to run against President Jair Bolsonaro in next year’s presidential contest.
Diego Maradona, Lying in State, Is Mourned as a Man of the People
Known for siding with leftist leaders and causes, the soccer legend’s life, and his politics, never strayed far from his impoverished roots, and his fans loved him for it.
‘The Pendulum Has Swung Back’: Latin America’s Corruption Fight Stalls
A drive against graft that started in Brazil left many hoping for a fairer, more equal region. That era is over.