As the space agency’s first female payload specialist, she conducted experiments about the impact of weightlessness on astronauts’ immune systems and loss of bone mass.
Tag: Deaths (Obituaries)
George P. Shultz, Top Cabinet Official Under Nixon and Reagan, Dies at 100
He carried one of Washington’s weightiest résumés — labor secretary, treasury secretary and budget director for Nixon and secretary of state under Reagan as the Cold War waned.
Margaret C. Snyder, the U.N.’s ‘First Feminist,’ Dies at 91
Inspired by her liberal Roman Catholic upbringing, she refocused the organization’s development efforts to include women’s empowerment.
Margaret C. Snyder, the U.N.’s ‘First Feminist,’ Dies at 91
Inspired by her liberal Roman Catholic upbringing, she refocused the organization’s development efforts to include women’s empowerment.
Tom Moore, Who Inspired Covid-Ravaged U.K. With Charity Walks, Dies at 100
Nicknamed “Captain Tom,” the veteran raised tens of millions of pounds for Britain’s health workers by walking 100 laps of his garden last spring.
James R. Flynn, Who Found We Are Getting Smarter, Dies at 86
A philosopher who moved into psychology and studied I.Q., he showed that as society grows more technical, human intellectual abilities expand to meet the challenge.
Nikolai Antoshkin, Who Helped Halt Chernobyl Disaster, Dies at 78
He survived radiation as commander of the operation that extinguished the Chernobyl nuclear plant fire. He died of the coronavirus.
Helga Weyhe, Germany’s Oldest Bookseller, Dies at 98
She died above the bookstore, founded in 1840, where she had worked since the waning months of World War II. She locked it up for the last time in December.
Sheldon Adelson, Billionaire Donor to G.O.P. and Israel, Is Dead at 87
Mr. Adelson drew a cornucopia of cash from his empire of casinos and resort hotels and poured money into right-wing causes.
Shamsur Rahman Faruqi, Towering Figure in Urdu Literature, Dies at 85
A poet, scholar, historian, critic and novelist, he was credited with the revival of Urdu literature, especially from the 18th and 19th centuries. He died of Covid-19.