A career diplomat, he had only recently arrived in Tehran for a temporary diplomatic posting when the embassy was seized in 1979.
Tag: Deaths (Obituaries)
H.M. Ershad, Former President of Bangladesh, Is Dead at 89
He assumed power as military chief in 1982 and declared himself president the next year. After being ousted in 1990, he was convicted on corruption charges.
Fernando de la Rúa, Ill-Fated President of Argentina, Dies at 81
He was elected easily in 1999. But he resigned two years later amid a spectacular economic collapse, leaving the presidential palace by helicopter.
Janne E. Nolan, Principled Adviser on World Affairs, Is Dead at 67
Sought out by the White House and the State Department, she stressed the importance of ethics in policymaking and of heeding one’s conscience.
Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, Indonesia Disaster Spokesman, Dies at 49
Mr. Sutopo, the disaster agency spokesman known for knocking down rumors with science, had cancer while helping Indonesia through a “year of disasters.”
Robert Levine, Who Studied Kindness, Identity and Time, Dies at 73
His social experiments explored how people around the world spend time, whether kindness varies by city and what compels us to buy things we may not need.
David Binder, 88, Dies; Chronicled the Cold War and Its Aftermath
Mr. Binder’s thousands of reports for The Times included coverage of the Berlin Wall’s construction in 1961 and its destruction in 1989.
Peter Ball, Anglican Bishop Jailed for Sex Abuse, Dies at 87
A protégé of Prince Charles, he was convicted of abusing boys and young men and stood at the center of a case study in impunity within the church.
Philippe Zdar, Influential French Music Producer, Dies at 52
A major figure in the electro scene, Mr. Zdar fell out of a window in an accident in Paris on Wednesday night.
Mohamed Morsi, Egypt’s First Democratically Elected President, Dies
Mohamed Morsi collapsed and died in a Cairo courtroom. Critics cited poor prison conditions and denial of medicine as a possible cause of death.