Cape Town has become one of the world’s most dangerous cities, and the government has deployed troops to quell the violence. Many residents welcome the soldiers’ presence, but worry about what’s next.
Tag: Defense and Military Forces
North Korea Says It Tested New Type of Missile, Further Enhancing Its Arsenal
Analysts confirmed that two projectiles launched on Saturday, North Korea’s fifth weapons test in less than a month, appeared to be a new kind of short-range missile.
Inside Kashmir, Cut Off From the World: ‘A Living Hell’ of Anger and Fear
A firsthand look inside Kashmir, the contested region the Indian government has all but cut off from the outside world, found a population that is feeling besieged and furious.
Russia Confirms Radioactive Materials Were Involved in Deadly Blast
As signs of a secretive cleanup effort emerged, an official statement hinted at an accident involving a new nuclear engine for missiles.
Israeli Military Kills 4 Palestinian Militants After Attack at Gaza Border
Israeli forces said the men had been armed with assault rifles, anti-tank missiles and hand grenades, one of which was thrown.
North Korea Launches Projectiles Despite ‘Beautiful Letter’ from Kim Jong-un to Trump
North Korea fired two unidentified projectiles off its east coast, hours after President Trump said he had received a “very beautiful” and “very positive” letter from Kim Jong-un.
Pakistan Runs Out of Options as India Tightens Grip on Kashmir
Threatened with sanctions over its ties to militants, and with the cost of war perilously high, Pakistan has little recourse diplomatically or militarily.
U.N. Sounds Alarm Over Killings in Idlib as Syria Cease-Fire Collapses
A cease-fire agreement signed in Kazakhstan had produced a flicker of hope. But it lasted all of three days, with air force jets hitting targets in the province on Friday.
Radiation Is Said to Be Released in Russian Military Accident
Two people were reported killed, which would make it the second recent lethal fire involving the Russian Navy. The authorities are prohibiting shipping and sailing in parts of the White Sea for a month.
U.S. Sanctions Turn Iran’s Oil Industry Into Spy vs. Spy
Accused C.I.A. spies are said to have been gathering intelligence on oil sales, data that the Americans want and that Iran wants to keep secret.