The man’s disappearance last month may dovetail with months of pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong — and speculation about Beijing’s designs on the territory.
Tag: Defense and Military Forces
Five Policy Clashes Between John Bolton and President Trump
John R. Bolton, a national security hawk, and President Trump disagreed on how to approach a number of international issues.
E.U. Leadership Shake Up: The Most Consequential, and Controversial, Things to Know
The European Union has expanded the power of its controversial digital czar, and the new leader of the bloc’s executive arm is calling for an expanded role in military matters.
North Korea Launches 2 More Projectiles, Its 8th Weapons Test Since July
The North’s tests on Tuesday came hours after the country said it was willing to sit down with the United States “for comprehensive discussions.” President Trump called the announcement “interesting.”
Images from Space Show Released Iranian Oil Tanker Near Syrian Coast
Gibraltar released the tanker last month after Iran promised it would not deliver its 2.1 million barrels of oil to Syria.
Robert Mugabe, Strongman Who Cried, ‘Zimbabwe Is Mine,’ Dies at 95
Until 2017, he was the only leader his country had known since independence in 1980. He presided over its long decline.
As Afghanistan Seeks Peace, Social Media Raises Fear of Reprisals
The spread of graphic imagery of killings in a war that reaches so deep into local communities threatens to fuel vengeance beyond any U.S.-Taliban deal.
North Korea Missile Tests, ‘Very Standard’ to Trump, Show Signs of Advancing Arsenal
American intelligence officials and outside experts say that Kim Jong-un is capitalizing on President Trump’s downplaying of his weapons testing to significantly improve the North’s arsenal.
U.S. Will Drill With Southeast Asian Navies, Echoing Move by China
The exercises, which come during a summer of heightened tensions in the South China Sea, highlight the complexities of the rivalry between the United States and China.
Hezbollah Hits Back at Israeli Army but Without Casualties
The Iran-backed Lebanese militia said it fired missiles at an Israeli border post in retaliation for recent Israeli strikes.