With many nations wary of the leadership of the United States, the war in Ukraine poses a test for the West.
Tag: Democracy (Theory and Philosophy)
With Ukraine War, Europe’s Democratic Project Takes on New Urgency
Panelists at the Athens Democracy Forum said Putin’s invasion has provided a striking example of the importance and power of the democratic idea.
TikTok, Fake News and Obstacles to the Ballot Box
Last week, experts convened in Athens to discuss disinformation, misinformation and other threats to democracy.
In Greece, Democracy and Theater Were Closely Intertwined
In ancient Greece the great playwrights helped to plant and nurture the seeds of representative government through their characters and plots.
Brazil Braces for ‘White-Knuckle Race’ Between Bolsonaro and Lula
President Jair Bolsonaro had once looked doomed in the country’s high-stakes election. But now, in a runoff, the right-wing incumbent has a path to re-election.
Brazil Faces Big Vote in Presidential Election: Bolsonaro vs. Lula.
Brazilians voting for president on Sunday will choose between two political titans in a contest seen as a major test for one of the world’s largest democracies.
Even as Iranians Rise Up, Protests Worldwide Are Failing at Record Rates
Mass protests, once a grave threat to even the fiercest autocrat, have plummeted in effectiveness, a study shows. Factors appear to include polarization, social media and rising nationalist attitudes.
U.S. and Russia Duel Over Leadership of U.N. Tech Group
Member countries vote on Thursday for an American or a Russian to lead the International Telecommunication Union, which sets standards for new technologies.
Democracy Under Siege From Autocrats, Social Media and Its Own Failures
Authoritarianism is on the rise, even in Europe, and the “new world disorder” is messier than a simple fight between democracies and autocracies.
Turkish Author Ece Temelkuran Sees a Contested U.S. Election Through the Lens of an Attempted Coup
Ece Temelkuran, a Turkish author, sees parallels between Donald Trump’s claims of election theft and the 2016 attempt to depose Recep Tayyip Erdogan.