People around the world are commemorating the U.N.-designated International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.
Tag: Demonstrations, Protests and Riots
Tear Gas and Water Cannons in Paris as Grass-Roots Protest Takes Aim at Macron
The “Yellow Jackets” movement protesting rising fuel prices is among the most serious challenges yet to President Emmanuel Macron’s pro-business government.
Haitians Furious at Their Government Protest in a Week of Unrest
With thousands marching in the capital, demonstrations have turned into a referendum on the administration of President Jovenel Moïse.
Hundreds of Thousands in France Protest Taxes by Blocking Roads
The country’s “Yellow Vest” movement demonstrated nationwide, blocking roads and roundabouts, to register anger about fuel taxes and the loss of purchasing power.
Lawyer in Rape Trial Links Thong With Consent, and Ireland Erupts
On Wednesday, hundreds of people in cities around Ireland protested victim blaming in the justice system’s handling of a sexual-assault case.
Young Activists Go Missing in China, Raising Fears of Crackdown
The Communist Party appears to be redoubling efforts to quash a movement for workers’ rights that has spread across Chinese campuses.
German Minister Fires Divisive Spy Chief, but Still Faces Calls to Step Down
For months, the interior minister had refused to dismiss the intelligence chief, who was seen as friendly to the far right.