Opponents of the measure, which resembles a Russian law that Moscow has used to crack down on dissidents, say it could undermine efforts for Georgia to join the European Union.
Tag: Demonstrations, Protests and Riots
As Anger Grows Over Gaza, Arab Leaders Crack Down on Protests
Grief and rage over the war and Israel have led to demonstrations across the Arab world. Arrests suggest governments fear the outrage could boomerang.
Why Gaza Protests on U.S. College Campuses Have Become So Contagious
Experts say the partisan political context in Washington is a driver behind the spread of protests at American universities even as overseas campuses have stayed relatively calm.
Police Arrest Rabbis Demanding Cease-Fire at Rally Near Gaza-Israel Border
A group of about 30 rabbis and peace activists from Israel and the United States was trying to take food supplies into the territory.
Rabbis Arrested Near Gaza-Israel Border at Rally to Highlight Starvation
A group of about 30 rabbis and peace activists from Israel and the United States were trying to take food supplies into the territory.
Venice Implements Entry Fee to Deter Tourists
Venice’s first day of charging a fee to enter the historic center went mostly smoothly, but there were some protests and polemics.
Iran Sentences Prominent Rapper to Death, Lawyer Says
The rapper, Toomaj Salehi, was initially arrested after releasing music in support of the 2022 protests over the death of a young woman in police custody.
India to Redo Election Voting at Polling Stations Hit by Violence
The attacks occurred in Manipur, a northeastern state that has been troubled by ethnic unrest. Witnesses reported that voting booths were captured and bogus ballots cast.
India to Repeat Voting at Polling Sites Hit by Violence
The attacks occurred in Manipur, a northeastern state that has been troubled by ethnic unrest. Witnesses reported that voting booths were captured and bogus ballots cast.
Björn Höcke of the AfD Goes on Trial in Germany
Björn Höcke, one of the most prominent far-right figures in Germany, has called the trial an attempt to suppress patriotism.