At least half of the deaths were children under the age of 5, according to the report by health researchers, the United Nations and the Somali government.
Tag: Drought
The Salton Sea, an Accident of History, Faces a New Water Crisis
The vast California lake relies on runoff from cropland to avoid disappearing. But as farmers face water cuts due to drought and an ever drier Colorado River, the Salton Sea stands to lose again.
Parched California Misses a Chance to Store More Rain Underground
Torrential rains could have helped to replenish depleted aquifers, but some say state bureaucracy, designed to distribute water fairly, has stood in the way.
How Climate Change Is Making Tampons (and Lots of Other Stuff) More Expensive
Cotton farmers in Texas suffered record losses amid heat and drought last year, new data shows. It’s an example of how global warming is a “secret driver of inflation.”
Scientists Wondered if Warming Caused Argentina’s Drought. The Answer: No.
Climate change didn’t make the dry spell more likely, researchers found, though extreme heat probably made it hurt more.
Tunisian Cave Village Empties Out in Face of Drought and Modernity’s Draw
For 1,000 years, homes dug into a desert cliff have sheltered olive farmers and sheep herders from summer heat and winter cold. But an exodus threatens its future. “We are left alone here.”
Somalis Are Dying of Hunger. Officials Say It’s Not a Famine. Why?
An official declaration of famine would unleash aid and attention. Some experts say Somalia shows that the international system for making the judgment is broken.
French Police Guard Water as Seasonal Drought Intensifies
New reservoirs designed to supply French farms with water in increasingly arid growing seasons have attracted opposition from environmentalists.
Somalia Braces for Famine, Trapped Between Al Shabab and Drought
The worst drought in 40 years is pushing Somalia to the brink. If it triggers a rare famine declaration, the militant group Al Shabab will also be to blame.
‘Life Brought Me Here.’ Madagascar Adapts to a Changing Climate
Droughts, cyclones and floods have forced the people of Madagascar, a poor country in the southern Indian Ocean, to find new homes, new livelihoods and even new diets.