New satellite images of the reservoir, a critical source of water for 25 million people, reveal dangerously low water levels.
Tag: Drought
A Painful Deadline Nears as Colorado River Reservoirs Run Critically Low
The federal government has told states to agree on urgent water cuts to ensure dams can keep generating power. Researchers say reductions once considered “unthinkable” may be necessary in the long term.
Italy Drought in Po River Basin Tightens Its Grip
A prolonged dry spell caused by increasingly dry winters, higher temperatures and less rain has put the fertile region’s rice harvest and other crops at risk.
‘We Buried Him and Kept Walking’: Children Die as Somalis Flee Hunger
The worst drought in four decades and a sharp rise in food prices caused by the war in Ukraine have left almost half of Somalia’s people facing acute food shortages.
As the Great Salt Lake Dries Up, Utah Faces An ‘Environmental Nuclear Bomb’
Climate change and rapid population growth are shrinking the lake, creating a bowl of toxic dust that could poison the air around Salt Lake City.
Somalia Elects New President, but Terrorists Hold True Power
The militants of Al Shabab collect taxes, decide court cases and control the streets. Somalis ask, will a new government even matter?
To Save Water Amid a Megadrought, Las Vegas Outlaws Grass
With drought and growth taking a toll on the Colorado River, the source of 90 percent of the region’s water, a new law in Las Vegas mandates the removal of turf, patch by patch.
Colorado River Reservoirs Are So Low, Government Will Delay Releases
The decision will keep more water in Lake Powell on the Arizona-Utah border, instead of releasing it downstream to Lake Mead. Both reservoirs are at their lowest points.
Even the Cactus May Not Be Safe From Climate Change
More than half of species could face greater extinction risk by midcentury, a new study found, as rising heat and dryness test the prickly plants’ limits.
War in Ukraine Compounds Hunger in East Africa
The conflict has driven up the cost of food in a region that depends heavily on crops from Russia and Ukraine and is facing what could be its worst drought in four decades.