Some paleontologists think that fossils recovered from Antarctica are evidence of birds similar to modern geese and ducks that lived alongside the dinosaurs.
Tag: Ducks
A Trump. A Dead Duck. And an Uproar in Italy.
A video shows Donald Trump Jr. sitting in hunting gear beside a dead protected bird. Italian lawmakers want answers.
Cruise Ship Ducks Are Traveling the World as Part of a Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger hunts for rubber ducks hidden by cruise passengers have spawned a duck-loving community of “quackers.”
How Do You Fight Bird Flu in France? Vaccinate 64 Million Ducks.
The inoculations are aimed at curbing the spread of a lethal strain of bird flu, and to support foie gras, a cherished delicacy.
A 12,000-Year-Old Bird Call, Made of Bird Bones
A collection of small flutes carved from waterfowl bones may have been used as hunting aids, a new study suggests.
‘World’s Loneliest Duck’ Dies on Tiny Pacific Island That Loved Him
His nickname was a little off, since Trevor, the only duck on the island of Niue, was beloved by its 1,600 residents. They mourned after he was killed by a stray dog.