Even as Telegram faces legal scrutiny and grapples with billions in debt, it is set to be profitable for the first time as it tries cryptocurrencies, subscriptions and ads.
Tag: Durov, Pavel Valeryevich (1984- )
Under Pressure, Telegram Turns a Profit for the First Time
Even as Telegram faces legal scrutiny and grapples with billions in debt, it is set to be profitable for the first time as it tries cryptocurrencies, subscriptions and ads.
Ukraine Weighs Telegram Security Risks Amid War With Russia
The messaging app’s popularity has soared during the war with Russia, leading Ukrainian officials to increasingly weigh Telegram’s upsides against its security risks.
Abuse Claims Add to Telegram C.E.O. Pavel Durov’s Legal Troubles
The mother of three children with Pavel Durov has poked holes in the Russian tech titan’s carefully managed image through a criminal complaint and her account of their opulent lifestyle.
Deepfake Sex Videos in South Korea Seen as Old Misogyny With New Tech
Men in chat rooms have been victimizing women they know by putting their faces on pornographic clips. Some Korean women say the only thing new about it is the technology.
How Telegram Became a Playground for Criminals, Extremists and Terrorists
Drug dealers, scammers and white nationalists openly conduct business and spread toxic speech on the platform, according to a Times analysis of more than 3.2 million Telegram messages.
Telegram Founder Pavel Durov’s Indictment Thrusts Encryption Into the Spotlight
The criminal charges against Pavel Durov, Telegram’s founder, raised concerns in Silicon Valley about encryption and the app’s approach to privacy and security.
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov Charged With Wide Range of Crimes in France
Pavel Durov, who was arrested near Paris over the weekend as part of a broad investigation into criminal activity on the platform, was also barred from leaving the country.
Who Is Telegram’s Pavel Durov and Why Was He Arrested in France?
Pavel Durov was charged in France, as part of wide-ranging investigation into criminal activities on the messaging platform he runs.
Can Tech Executives Be Held Responsible for What Happens on Their Platforms?
The indictment of Pavel Durov, Telegram’s founder, as part of an investigation into illicit activities on the messaging app set off worries about the personal liability of tech executives.