The indictment of Pavel Durov, Telegram’s founder, as part of an investigation into illicit activities on the messaging app set off worries about the personal liability of tech executives.
Tag: Durov, Pavel Valeryevich (1984- )
The Crypto Industry Loudly Defends Telegram’s Pavel Durov
When the messaging app’s founder, Pavel Durov, was arrested, he received a flood of support from a multitrillion-dollar industry that relies on it.
Telegram Turmoil Threatens Chronicle of Russia’s War in Ukraine
The detention of Telegram’s founder has highlighted the messaging app’s outsize status in Europe’s deadliest war since World War II.
Telegram Turmoil Threatens Dominant Chronicle of the War in Ukraine
The detention of Telegram’s founder has highlighted the messaging app’s outsized status in Europe’s deadliest war since World War II.
How Pavel Durov, Telegram’s Founder, Went From Russia’s Mark Zuckerberg to Wanted Man
Pavel Durov’s anti-establishment streak helped him create one of the world’s biggest online platforms, which emphasizes free speech. It also put a target on his back.
Arrest of Telegram’s Pavel Durov Becomes Free Speech Flashpoint
Pavel Durov, the founder of the app, which has more than 900 million users, was taken into custody by the French authorities.
Telegram: Where Russians Turn for Uncensored Ukraine News
Telegram is the platform of choice for Russians seeking to escape Moscow’s propaganda web. But can it last?
Ukraine War Tests the Power of Tech Giants
Google, Meta, Twitter, Telegram and others are levers in the conflict, caught between demands from Ukraine, Russia, the European Union and the U.S.
Telegram Messaging App Struggles Over New Fans From Far Right
The app has helped fuel democracy movements in Iran and Belarus but now faces scrutiny as extremists and conspiracy theorists flock to it amid crackdowns by Facebook and Twitter on disinformation.