A new simulation offers a different view of how the continents we live on drifted into their current configuration.
Tag: Earth
Inside the C.I.A., She Became a Spy for Planet Earth
Linda Zall is disclosing how she toiled anonymously within the intelligence agency to help scientists intensify their studies of a changing planet.
7 Travel Stories to Help You Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day
Confined to the great indoors on Earth Day? These stories will help remind you of the natural world’s many splendors — and why environmental protections are of crucial importance for the future of the planet.
Darkness Visible, Finally: Astronomers Capture First Ever Image of a Black Hole
Astronomers at last have captured a picture of one of the most secretive entities in the cosmos.
The North Magnetic Pole’s Mysterious Journey Across the Arctic
Scientists accelerated the update of a model of Earth’s fluctuating magnetic field, which is needed to keep navigational systems functioning. Many wondered what’s happening inside the planet’s core.
Trilobites: It’s Cold Outside, but Earth Is at Its Closest Approach to the Sun
Our planet’s elliptical orbit doesn’t affect winter or summer temperatures. But some astronomers wonder whether it’s a factor in why life survives.
Out There: Apollo 8’s Earthrise: The Shot Seen Round the World
Half a century ago today, a photograph from the moon helped humans rediscover Earth.
Deep Beneath Your Feet, They Live in the Octillions
The real journey to the center of the Earth has begun, and scientists are discovering subsurface microbial beings that shake up what we think we know about life.
Basics: The Earth’s Shell Has Cracked, and We’re Drifting on the Pieces
Plate tectonics helped make our planet stable and habitable. But the slow shifting of continents is still a mysterious process.
Trilobites: Beneath Antarctica’s Ice Is a Graveyard of Dead Continents
Data from a European satellite has revealed the tectonic underworld below the frozen southernmost continent.