As hundreds gathered to witness the start of Shireen Abu Akleh’s funeral procession, riot police assaulted the people carrying her coffin.
Tag: East Jerusalem
Israel Plans Zip Line for Ancient Jerusalem
A Jewish settler group is promoting projects that opponents say will change the delicate historic, religious and political balance in highly symbolic areas around Jerusalem’s Old City.
During Ramadan, Palestinians Barred From Aqsa Turn to Smugglers
For Palestinian Muslims, praying at the Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem is an important part of Ramadan. Those barred by Israel are finding ways to get there anyway.
A Site Holy to Jews and Muslims Returns as the Nexus of Conflict
The skirmishes between Palestinians and Israeli police at the Aqsa Mosque, known to Jews as Temple Mount, are laden with national and religious symbolism.
New Rocket Fire From Gaza Follows Rising Tensions in Israel
The first strike from Gaza in several months came just days after clashes in and around the Aqsa Mosque compound, a sacred site for both Muslims and Jews.
Jerusalem Tattoo Artist Inks Pilgrims, Priests and Those Scarred by Conflict
For Wassim Razzouk, Holy Week is his busiest time as Christians seek a reminder of their visit to Jerusalem. But his family’s centuries-old tattoo business caters to all faiths.
In a Village Divided, Palestinians See Their Hold on Territory Eroding
Carved up over decades, the village of Walaja sits partly in the occupied West Bank and partly in Jerusalem. Palestinians say this type of fragmentation undermines prospects for a state.
U.N. Investigator Accuses Israel of Apartheid, Citing Permanence of Occupation
Strongly denied by Israel and its supporters, the claim is the first time that a U.N.-appointed rapporteur has accused Israel of apartheid in such an unequivocal way.
Palestinians Threatened With Eviction Can Stay in Their Homes — for Now
Israel’s high court stayed the eviction of four Palestinian families from their East Jerusalem homes. The eviction threat had stoked tensions that led to war in Gaza.
Palestinians Threatened With Eviction Can Stay in Their Homes — for Now
Israel’s high court stayed the eviction of four Palestinian families from their East Jerusalem homes. The eviction threat had stoked tensions that led to war in Gaza.