The jump, from 13 percent, would bring a long period of “tight monetary conditions” in order to ease price pressures, the bank said.
Tag: Economic Conditions and Trends
5 Takeaways From Argentina’s Election
Javier Milei, a libertarian economist often compared to Donald Trump, will face off against Sergio Massa, Argentina’s economy minister, in a runoff next month.
How the Israel-Hamas War Imperils Action Against Global Warming
Oil prices could surge. Disagreements between nations could worsen. The conflict complicates already fragile global diplomacy ahead of crucial climate talks.
Argentina Election Decides Between Javier Milei and Others
Javier Milei, a far-right libertarian, performed worse than polls predicted and will face Sergio Massa, Argentina’s economy minister, next month.
Javier Milei, a ‘Mini-Trump,’ Could Be Argentina’s Next President
The global far-right movement faces an important test in Argentina’s election on Sunday.
A Small Country Far From Ukraine Is Sending Hundreds toWar, on Both Sides
Scores of young Nepali men have gone to fight, some lured by Russia’s promise of work, others to fight for Ukraine, raising the prospect of Nepalis fighting one another in a distant war.
Prospect of Prolonged Israel-Gaza War Adds Economic Havoc to Human Toll
A widening conflict would test Israel’s economic resilience while worsening an already bleak outlook for the Palestinian economy.
Ukraine’s Economy Starts to Rebound as It Adapts to War
Economists predict a return to growth, but many challenges lie ahead, including the rebuilding of war-torn cities and labor shortages.
Venezuela Pledges Small Steps Toward Fair Elections Next Year
The agreement signed on Tuesday by the country’s authoritarian government and the opposition would not allow all candidates to run.
What to Know About the New Zealand Election
Voters head to the polls this weekend in an election that is likely to show a rightward and populist shift in the country’s politics.