The arrest of the civil rights advocates received international attention, as Western policymakers, celebrities and the incoming Biden administration pressed for their release.
Tag: Egypt
U.S. Hopes a Small Step in Easing a Mideast Rivalry Could Further Rattle Iran’s Economy
The Trump administration wants Saudi Arabia to open its airspace to Qatari flights that are currently paying millions of dollars to route over Iran.
Gasser Abdel-Razek, Egyptian Human Rights Activist, Is Jailed
Before his recent arrest, Gasser Abdel-Razek had no illusions about the risks in being a leading rights advocate under the increasingly repressive el-Sisi regime.
Egypt Unearths New Mummies Dating Back 2,500 Years
More than 100 painted wooden coffins, many with bodies, were found in the necropolis of Saqqara, officials said. After several recent finds at the site, it’s the largest discovery there this year.
Sisi Promised Egypt Better Health Care. Covid-19 Showed His True Priority.
President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi vowed to put improved health care “at the heart” of his agenda. It hasn’t worked out like that in a country where the military’s needs always come first.
Egyptian Teen Seeks Justice in Rape Case, and a Battle Erupts Over Women’s Rights
A generation of young women in Egypt who have found their voice on social media are challenging the old rules that blamed women when they were attacked by men.
U.S. Cuts Aid to Ethiopia Amid Nile Dam Dispute
It was an unusual example of President Trump’s direct intervention on an issue in Africa, a continent he hasn’t visited as president and rarely mentions publicly.
Coronavirus Spares Gaza, but Travel Restrictions Do Not
The blockaded Gaza Strip has not recorded any cases of community transmission of the coronavirus, but new restrictions on movement continue to make life difficult.
Egypt Sentences Women to 2 Years in Prison for TikTok Videos
Two Egyptian social media stars with millions of followers were convicted on charges of violating family values. Two more women are scheduled to stand trial on similar charges on Wednesday.
As Seasonal Rains Fall, Dispute Over Nile Dam Rushes Toward a Reckoning
After a decade of construction, the hydroelectric dam in Ethiopia, Africa’s largest, is nearly complete. But there’s still no agreement with Egypt, which calls the structure a national security threat.